about a year ago--just very shortly before I became a subscriber to TVia--as I was afraid to tell her. She caught me in feminine ap- parel one day, and we had a real long talk about it with the out- come being that she wouldn't see me when I did "those things". Then I started TVia with her permission. I really believe that our magazine has done more to help her understand and accept my TV habits than any other single factor I can think of.
Now I am very sorry that I had not told her in the first place because I not only missed out on almost eight years of pleasant moments, but caused a very wonderful girl to be hurt and puzzled by hiding something from her. As things are now, she helps me with my clothing and make up, offers constructive criticism and has grown quite fond of Janice. Several times she has made skirts, blouses and sweaters for me, and on one occasion accompanied me Public. That hat was on Mardi Gras day when we went to the My-0-My Club in New Orleans...
JANICE (18-W-1)
as to
Proving again that wives can understand if it is presented right. Practice on someone who doesn't count first so relieve some of the guilt before trying it on your wife.. ED
Dear Virginia:
I've just finished reading some of the "Little Blue Books" on TVism. For the most part I found them interesting, but in some "true cases" a bit unbelievable. I did find one statement very thought provoking though. A TV who had attended gatherings with other TVs said that TVs as a group could not get along together. At first I found this hard to believe, but upon further reflection I thought he was probably right.
TVism has in the past been a lonely practice and as such it has been hard for a TV to face the prospect of meeting other people even if the others are TVs. Also, as I said before, the written ex- periences of some TVs seem a bit unbelieveable. If these TVs were to meet others it would be their own personalities they would have to rely on, not the one they are in their dreams. In writing of themselves they are usually beautiful, have divine figures and own extensive wardrobes. In truth they are probably more like many of us who are a bit tall, muscular, hairy, and maybe eyen downright